I find humor in it now, but pre-internet, the counterfeit Hermes Birkinpurchasing process seemed mysterious and intriguing. It felt as though you were somehow privileged to know how to buy these uncommon goods. Pre-internet, the only way to locate a fake Hermes Belt was through word of mouth. Wholesalers of counterfeit bags still make sales by appointment only. There are signs throughout the store reminding you "ALL SALES FINAL."
It involved a sort of cloak and dagger approach when walking into wholesale stores, asking to talk to the manager and introducing yourself as a friend of a friendIf you are going to buy a new purse, invest in something of value, not cheap imitations. ALWAYS insist on a money back guarantee!
Why in the world would anyone want to buy a fake designer handbag or poor quality? I just can't comprehend spending good money purchasing a fake designer purse. It doesn't even begin to make sense to me, even if the purse looks like the real thing. When you know it's not authentic - why bother?
Above all else, be aware that buying a counterfeit item is illegal, period.
Counterfeit designer merchandise has a sub-culture all its own. I'm not sure if people enjoy the fact they are getting something resembling the real thing at lower cost, or if they just don't understand the quality, durability and value of authentic designer Hermes Purse in the first place.
Article from: http://www.buyhermesbirkin.com/ thanks.
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