Thursday, July 29, 2010

What you can afford however are celebrity inspired handbags

You'll also be thrilled with the prices. As mentioned above, authentic designer Hermes Birkin sell for thousands of dollars. Designer inspired handbags are affordable for every woman. With some styles in the $50 - $70 range a lot of women end of finding a handbag style they like and they purchase it in several different colors. These inspired handbags are not meant to be exact replica handbags. These trendy celebrity inspired handbags are designed taking the most recognizable design element of the original bag and re-working it into a handbag for the masses.
Have you ever seen the price of a Hermes Birkin handbag? A real one may cost you $10,000 or more.Carefully crafted and quality made these Hermes Belt are fashionable and echo the very latest handbag trends. You'll find a wide array of different types of celebrity inspired handbag. You'll find travel bags, clutches and evening bags, hobo purses, quilted handbags, shoulder bags and many more. I've seen Hermes Birkin handbags with an asking price of $55,000. Ridiculous.It's easy to understand why. When we see celebrities like Jessica Simpson, Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry, Demi Moore, Hiliary Duff, Lindsay Lohan and Reese Witherspoon carrying handbags we want to carry the same handbag too!
Well, good luck! What you're going to find is that the quilted Chanel handbag being carried by Rihanna probably costs $2,000 to $2,500. I don't know many people who can afford that. You may also find that Halle Berry's Jimmy Choo Mahala Hermes Purse will set you back a whopping $2,225. I'll bet you can't afford that either.

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