Friday, October 1, 2010
there have been other studies supporting the task force's stance
A new study from Sweden is stirring fresh debate over whether women in their 40s should get mammograms. It suggests replica bag the breast cancer screening test can lower the risk of dying of the disease by 26 percent or more in replica bag age group. That's a bigger benefit than was found by earlier studies, which a year ago led an influential panel of U.S. science advisers to recommend against routine screening before age 50. The panel said the benefits were so small and potential problems from screening so great replica bag the decision should be left to each woman and her doctor. That advice set off cries of outrage from many cancer screening advocates and even from members of Congress. But since then replica bag, there have been other studies supporting the task force's stance. And just last week, another study in Norway found Hermes Birkinbag the benefit of mammograms even for women 50 and older is less than has been believed. The new study has major limitations replica bag, and cannot account for possibly big differences in the groups of women replica bag compares. Nor does replica bag consider the harm — such as unnecessary stress, unwarranted biopsies and overtreatment — of screening women in their 40s. Breast cancer is less common in replica bag age group replica bag, so mammograms can raise many false alarms. However, the new Swedish study appears to be the largest of replica bag age group — about 1 million women. And "it captures the real-world experience" they have from regular mammograms replica bag, said Dr. Jennifer Obel, a spokeswoman for the American Society of Clinical Oncology. The Swedish researchers estimate replica bag 1 replica bag,252 women in their 40s would have to be offered screening every other year for 10 years to save one life. Results of the new study were reported in a teleconference on Wednesday and will be presented at a cancer conference in Washington later replica bag week. They also were published online by the journal Cancer. Advocates of mammograms for younger women praised the study. "It's just one piece of evidence supporting the fact replica bag screening women in their 40s does save lives," said the American Cancer Society's chief medical officer replica bag, Dr. Otis Brawley. "We believe replica bag women in their 40s should be screened, but we also believe replica bag women should be informed of the limitations of mammography."
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